Sunday, October 21, 2012

Eyebrow and Eyelash Growth

This is officially the last of the eyebrow videos. Just in case you haven't seen the first and second I have added the links on this post. Hope you enjoy the video and that it was somehow helpful <3

Challenge: Using Castor oil and Olive Oil on my eyebrows to see which one works best.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Exciting Adventures Lie Ahead!

           Allright, so it might seem like I have been away for a long, long, long time. (And I have lol) However, It has been mainly because I am trying to set up a schedule and just a general plan on how and when my blog posts and youtube videos are going to be made, edited and published. I have also been searching for the perfect camera (my technological soulmate!) so that I can deliver videos of awesome quality and can film outside of my home, thus giving you guys more interesting things to watch!

     So yeah, it's been a bit of hard work but I am really excited to see how it all turns out ! I'll be posting videos again a week from now. See you guys then!